1. i) Meaning of Mudra:

Mudra is a Sanskrit word which means “seal” or “gesture”. It is a symbolic or ritual gesture which is used in yoga, meditation and also in Ayurveda to promote physical, mental and spiritual well-being. There are various types of Mudra which beneficial for particular part of the body. Let’s which are these Mudra.

  1. ii) Why to do Mudra during Pregnancy:

Many of you may think but why to do Mudra during pregnancy then let’s take a hypothetical situation you’re at your in-laws place and in 5th month of your pregnancy.You and your spouse decided to go at prenatal moon to Manali. You made an itinerary but the very last moment your in-laws suggests you to stay at home. In such a situation you may loose your calm and to prepare you as well as your body Mudra comes into a picture. Below are certain Mudra which every prenatal should do.

(Note: Mudra should be done with both the hands and keep it above your thigh)

iii) Mudra’s and their benefits:

  1. a) Gyan Mudra: It is also known as the “knowledge” mudra. It is one most beloved Mudra which you in the Internet.


Figure :

Technique:It is formed by touching the tip of the little finger to the tip of the thumb,while other two fingers are straight.

3-5mins or you can hold while doing Pranayama everyday. Benefits: Helps to improve concentration, memory and reduce stress.


  1. b) Dhyana Mudra: Also famous to start the internal journey.


Technique: Keep right hand above your left

hand whereas both the thumbs paws are touching to each other.

Duration: 3-5 minutes or you can hold while doing Pranayama everyday.

Benefits: Helps in reducing anxiety, negative emotions, cleans and renews emotional energy, reduces stress, helps to awaken the conscience, brings self awareness,helps to start inward journey,makes you intuitive.

  1. c) Apana Vayu Mudra: It is also known as “Mrit Sanjeevani” or “life saviour” Mudra. It is said

person going heart attack if made to hold this Mudra at that very moment then further damage of heart can be prevented.


Technique: Join middle and ring finger to thumb tip whereas index finger is rolled inwards in order to touch the base of the thumb and the little finger is extended outward.

Duration: 3-5 minutes or you can hold while doing Pranayama everyday.

Benefits: Strengthens heart,regulates palpitations,reduces gastric problems,eliminates toxins,improves respiratory tract,relaxes nervous system.


  1. d) Shavasnalika Mudra:It is also known as “Bronchial” Mudra.


Technique: Place the little finger at the base of the thumb, ring finger at the mid of the thumb and middle finger at top of the thumb whereas index finger is extended outward.

Duration: 3-5 minutes or you can hold while doing Pranayama everyday.

Benefits: Helps in acute attacks of bronchitis ,helps to open the wind pipe which allows to inhale maximum oxygen, eliminates respiratory problems like asthma, allergies.

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